Ру Ўз O'z En

Calendar of Exhibition events

19th International Exhibition “UzAgroExpo-2024”

20 November - 22 November 2024

NEC "Uzexpocentre" JSC Pavilions No. 1, 2


The agricultural exhibition “UzAgroExpo” is the largest industry event of the autumn season in Uzbekistan. Participants of the UzAgroExpo exhibition are enterprises and organizations specializing in the production and sale of modern agricultural machinery and spare parts, equipment, technologies and materials for crop production, livestock farming, veterinary medicine, processing, transportation and storage of agricultural products.

The exhibition was organized with the official support of: the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan; Council of Farmers, Farms and Owners of Household Lands of Uzbekistan; Holding Company "Uzbekozikovkatholding"; Khokimiyat of the city of Tashkent.

The organizer is International Expo Group LLC. Organizational assistance of JSC NEC "Uzexpocentre".

Main sections of the UzAgroExpo exhibition:

Agricultural machinery
Greenhouses. Equipment and components for greenhouses
Irrigation systems
Plant growing. Gardening
Plant protection products. Agrochemicals
Processing, storage and transportation of agricultural products
Fish farming
Poultry farming
Storage, processing and transportation of agricultural products

The parallel exhibition “UzProdExpo” annually demonstrates a wide range of equipment and solutions for all sectors of the food and processing industry, commercial and refrigeration equipment, equipment for shops, cafes and restaurants, containers and packaging, food products.



International Expo Group LLC



Gulshan Chalova

Tel.: +998-71 238-59-59

Fax: +998-71 238-59-59

Mobile: +998-93 390 01 79

E-mail: info@ieg.uz; info@expouz.uz

Website: https://ieg.uz/uzagroexpo

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