Ру Ўз O'z En

Company structure


Chairman of the Board

Thursday 16:00 - 18:00

Saidkhonov Otabek Murodbekovich - was born in 1985 in the city of Tashkent.

Education: Higher, graduated in 2006 from Tashkent State University of Economics (bachelor), 2008 Tashkent State University of Economics (master's degree), 2020 Tashkent State University of Economics (in absentia).

Labor activity:

2009-2018 Held various senior positions at the National Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

2018-2019 - Head of the investment department of the association "Uzcharmsanoat";

2019-2021 - Head of the Department of Foreign Economic Activity and Export Promotion of the Association "Uzcharmsanoat";

2021- to present - Chairman of the Board of the Joint Stock Society "National Exhibition Company "Uzexpocentre".


Director of exhibition complex

Tuesday-Friday 15:00 - 18:00

KUDRATOV SANJAR ROPIJONOVICH - was born in 1986 in the city of Tashkent.

Education: Higher, graduated in 2009 from the Tashkent University of Information Technologies (bachelor), 2014 Tashkent State University of Economics (second specialty), 2016 Tashkent State University of Economics (master's degree).

Labor activity:

2004-2005 - laboratory assistant at Tashkent State University of Information Technologies;

2005-2009 - student of Tashkent State University of Information Technologies;

2010 - manager for the settlement of insurance losses of the Closed Joint Stock Company "Universal Sugurta";

2010-2012 - General Director of Premium Assistance Limited Liability Company;

2012-2014 - clerk of the office, head of the department for the work of lyceums and colleges of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy;

2015-2016 - Specialist of the Department of Marketing, Advertising and Exhibition Services of the Joint Stock Society "National Exhibition Company "Uzexpocentre";

2016-2016 - Deputy Head of the Department of Exhibitions and Exhibition Services of the Joint Stock Society “National Exhibition Company “Uzexpocenter”;

2016-2018 - Head of the Department of Exhibitions and Exhibition Services of the Joint Stock Society “National Exhibition Company “Uzexpocentre”;

2018-04.2024 - Director of the exhibition complex of the Joint Stock Society "National Exhibition Company" Uzexpocentre ".

04.2024y - 10.2024y  -Director for Administrative-economic activity & Development of the Health-Entertainment Complex

10.2024y -  to present Director of the exhibition complex of the Joint Stock Society "National Exhibition Company" Uzexpocentre ".


Director of Finance and Corporate Governance

Tuesday-Friday 15:00-18:00

MUTOLIBXONOV SAIDAXYORXON SAIDOLIMXON O’G’LI - was born in 1988 in the city of Tashkent

Education: Higher, graduated in 2011 from the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies (Bachelor), 2014 from the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies (Master's degree).

Labor activity:

2012-2014 - specialist of the 2nd category of the sector of plastic cards, specialist of the 1st category of the credit and economic department, leading specialist of the operational and accounting department of the Almalyk branch of the National Bank for Foreign Economic Activity;

2014-2016 - 1st category planning technician of the Explosive Materials Plant of Almalyk MMC JSC;

2016-2016 - 1st category planning technician of the department of labor organization and production planning of the Kalmakyr mining department of Almalyk GMK JSC;

2016-2017 - Economist for planning of the 1st category of the Sary-Cheku quarry of the Kalmakyr mining department of Almalyk MMC JSC;

2017-2018 - Lead Engineer for the organization and regulation of labor of the Directorate for the implementation of investment projects "Development of the Yoshlik I and Yoshlik II fields" of Almalyk MMC JSC;

2018-2021 - Deputy Head of the Department of Finance and Planning of the Joint Stock Society "National Exhibition Company" Uzexpocentre ";

2021- 2022 - Head of Finance and Planning Department, Acting Financial Director of the Joint Stock Society "National Exhibition Company "Uzexpocentre".

2022 - 04.2024 - Director for Finance and Corporate Management  of the Joint Stock Society "National Exhibition Company "Uzexpocentre".

04.2024  - 10.2024-   Director of exhibition complex

04.2024 -to present -  Director for Finance and Corporate Management  of the Joint Stock Society "National Exhibition Company "Uzexpocentre".


Technical Director

Tuesday-Friday 15:00-18:00

OBIDOV MIRZOXID MIRAʼLO O‘G‘LI - was born in 1993 in the city of Tashkent.

Education: Higher, graduated in 2015 from Tashkent State University of Economics, 2019 Banking and Finance Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Labor activity:

2012-2021 - worked in various positions at the National Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan

2021-present - Technical Director of the Joint Stock Company "National Exhibition Company" Uzexpocentre ".


Director for Administrative-economic activity & Development of the Health-Entertainment Complex

Tuesday-Friday 15:00-18:00
Education: Tashkent State Economic University, Bachelor's degree - 2007; Tashkent State Economic University, Master's degree - 2009.
Work experience:
  04.2009-03.2010  «Ipoteka-bank» joint-stock commercial mortgage bank, Tashkent city, Mekhnat branch, devision of construction financing & crediting, 2-nd category specialist   03.2010-03.2010  -«Ipoteka-bank» joint-stock commercial mortgage bank, Tashkent city, Mekhnat branch, devision of foreign economic activity, 1-st category specialist
03.2010-06 2010  -Ipoteka-bank» joint-stock commercial mortgage bank, Tashkent city, Mekhnat branch, devision of currency exchange monitoring, 1-st category specialist  
12.2010-09.2011  -«Ipoteka-bank» joint-stock commercial mortgage bank, Tashkent city, Yunusabad branch, devision of microcrediting on EBRD program, 2-nd category specialist 
09.2011-01.2013  «Ipoteka-bank» joint-stock commercial mortgage bank, Tashkent city, Yunusabad  branch, devision of crediting on Uzbek-Japanese program of small business support, leading specialist  
01.2013-04.2013  -«Ipoteka-bank» joint-stock commercial mortgage bank, Tashkent city, Yunusabad  branch, devision of conversion, head of devision 
04.2013-12.2013  -«Ipoteka-bank» joint-stock commercial mortgage bank, Tashkent city, Yunusabad  branch, devision of economic branches crediting, chief specialist 
12.2013-01.2017  -«Ipoteka-bank» joint-stock commercial mortgage bank, Tashkent city, Yunusabad  branch, devision of economic branches crediting, chief specialist 
12.2013-01.2017  -«Ipoteka-bank» joint-stock commercial mortgage bank, Tashkent city, Yunusabad  branch, devision of economic branches crediting, head of devision 
01.2017-06.2019  -«Ipoteka-bank» joint-stock commercial mortgage bank, Tashkent city, Yunusabad  branch,  Deputy manager 
 06.2019-05.2023  -   «Ipoteka-bank» joint-stock commercial mortgage bank, Tashkent city, Yunusabad  branch,  Deputy manager – head of back office 
05.2023-30.03.2024  -
“Uzexpocentre” NEC JSS, Director of administrative – economic activity & development of health-entertainment complex
04.2024-10.2024 - “Uzexpocentre” NEC JSS, Director of finance & corporative management – head of devision
Since 10.2024- up to the present -Uzexpocentre” NEC JSS, Director of administrative – economic activity & development of health-entertainment complex


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