Ру Ўз O'z En

Calendar of Exhibition events

23rd International Exhibition on Food, Ingredients and Food Technologies - UzFood 2023

08 April - 10 April 2025

NEC "Uzexpocentre" JSC Pavilions No. 1, 2, 3, Atrium No. 1


UzFood is the key event in the food industry.

Every year the exhibition is attended by leading producers, suppliers and distributors of the food industry representing both national and global food markets.

The exhibition is annually visited by top managers of the leading companies, importers and distributors. They are given an opportunity to get acquainted with a great variety of food products and equipment, and to find their partners.



Tel./Fax+ (998 71) 205 18 18

E-mail: post@iteca.uz

Web site: https://uzfoodexpo.uz/

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