Ру Ўз O'z En


27 August 2024

Second Uzbek-Belarusian women’s business-forum

Exhibition - presentation of products of the Republic of Belarus "Made in Belarus" and the Republic of Uzbekistan "Made in Uzbekistan"

On August 27, 2024, Pavilion No. 1 of “NEC Uzexpocentre” JSS hosts a plenary session of the II Uzbek-Belarusian Women's Business Forum and an exhibition-presentation with the expositions "Made in Belarus" and "Made in Uzbekistan".
The Belarusian delegation headed by the Chairperson of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus Natalia Kochanova takes part in the events, and the Uzbek side is represented by the Chairperson of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan Tanzilya Narbaeva.
About 100 representatives of business communities and government agencies take part in the business forum from the Belarusian side.
More than 50 enterprises and organizations with the best examples of Belarusian products take part in the exposition "Made in Belarus". These are unique inventions in the field of medicine, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, technological equipment and others.
The exposition "Made in Uzbekistan" is represented by the leading industries of the Republic of Uzbekistan – Uzavtosanoat (motor cars), Uzkimyosanoat (chemical), Uztukimachiliksanoat (textile), Uzcharmsanoat (leather), Uzozikovkatsanoat (food), Uzeltekhsanoat (electricity), the Ministry of Health, Uzpharmprom (pharmaceutical), the Ministry of Education.

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