Ру Ўз O'z En


19 March 2024

“Diaries of Savitsky. Old and new": opening of the third multimedia exhibition in Tashkent

On March 7, the Foundation for the Development of Culture and Art of Uzbekistan opened the third multimedia exhibition, continuing to introduce residents not only to famous artists, but also to those who created, inspired by Uzbekistan.

In the multimedia exhibition, viewers will see works from the collection of the Igor Savitsky State Museum of Art. These works not only reflect the traditions and culture of Central Asia, but also cover the historical events of the 20th century that changed the face of the region, where history and culture are intertwined in the stories created by the artists.

Visitors will be treated to works and stories from more than eleven artists who have incorporated modern and traditional motifs into their works.

Artists: Pavel Benkov, Nikolai Karakhan, Elena Korovay, Mikhail Kurzin, Reuben Mazel, Usto Mumin, Igor Savitsky, Ural Tansykbaev, Oganes Tatevosyan, Victor Ufimtsev, Alexander Volkov and others.

Most often they depicted bazaars or teahouses, city scenes, streets, transport and people in a variety of clothes. Everything that reflects the life, traditions and culture of the people of Central Asia.

In general, the works convey the artistic academic tradition of realism and the romanticized representation of the East - “Orientalism”.

In the lobby there are posters with information about the specific works of each participating artist, as well as a description and direction in which they developed.

The presentation of the exhibition is accompanied by an improved sound audio narration by actors and presenters about the lives of artists to the accompaniment of classical music, giving the process even more emotional depth for the viewer. Well, on the screens and floor, according to the classics, there are projectors that allow you to see the works in HD projection with animated graphics.

One exhibition session lasts about 50 minutes. They take place hourly from 10:00 to 20:00.

The cost of entrance tickets is 20,000. Students of special schools and boarding schools, as well as children under 10 years old, have free admission. There is a 50% discount for schoolchildren, students and pensioners. On Friday, admission to the exhibition is free for everyone.

The exhibition takes place in pavilion No. 5 of UzExpocentre.

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