Ру Ўз O'z En

Calendar of Exhibition events

International exhibition "HoReCa Uzbekistan 2024"

08 October - 10 October 2024

NEC "Uzexpocentre" JSC Pavilions No. 1 and atrium 1

Association of Hoteliers of Uzbekistan

International exhibition of supplies and equipment for hotel and catering enterprises. It brings together tourism professionals from the supply chain of the hospitality and catering industry.

This is a unique project for hospitality industry specialists, held in the capital of Uzbekistan, where trends in the restaurant and hotel business in the region are formed


Contacts Uzbekistan, Tashkent,

Yunusabad district, st. Khushnavo, 13

Index 100009

Phone & Email:
+998 (97) 144-48-46;
+998 (97) 144-48-47

Link for registration of visitors: https://www.hoteliers.uz/registration

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