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Calendar of Exhibition events

IV Tashkent International Book Fair "Tashkent Book Fest", I Tashkent International Exhibition of Children's Literature

23 October - 25 October 2024

NEC "Uzexpocentre" JSC Pavilions No. 3 and atrium 2

Agency of Information and Mass Communications under the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

The 4th Book Fair will be held in Tashkent on October 23-25.

The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan has defined the main tasks in the field of further comprehensive and high-quality development of publishing, printing and information and library systems, which are now under the jurisdiction of the Agency for Information and Mass Communications under the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
In accordance with the assigned tasks, the Agency for Information and Mass Communications, with the support of the ministries and departments of the country, has been holding the Tashkent International Book Fair "Tashkent Book Fest" since 2019.

The main goal and objectives of the fair are to promote books and reading, support and develop the literary heritage of the participating countries, form a reading culture, study the experience of the global printing industry and establish international relations between authors and literary agencies, book publishers and book distributors, information and library institutions and organizations dealing with the promotion of books and reading.
Participants: authors, illustrators and translators, directors and specialists of foreign and national publishing houses, literary agencies and bookselling organizations, information and library institutions, organizations involved in the promotion of books and reading, public figures, representatives of ministries and departments.


Agencies of Information and Mass Communications under the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Address: Tashkent, 100129, Navoi Street, Building 30.
Tel.: (+99871) 244-64-20
Single telephone number for the activities of the Agency of Information and Mass Communications
Tel.: (+998 71) 244-24-36 (General Department) +99871 244-32-87

E-mail: info@aimc.uz
Website: https://www.aoka.uz/

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